New Weather Vane in Plano, TX

Installed a full lightning protection system substituted one of the lighting rods for a declarative weather vane that’s tied into the system.
Project Info:
- Services:
- Location:
- Plano, TX
Installed a full lightning protection system substituted one of the lighting rods for a declarative weather vane that’s tied into the system.
Severe weather includes rain and thunderstorms, and along with thunder, there is always lightning. It's a common misconception that the lightning strike itself starts a fire, when in reality, lightning damages your home's electrical system which can result in a fire. Lightning can also damage other […]
You might be surprised to hear that lightning strikes the earth every second, meaning the odds of being struck are far great than you might think. If lightning were to strike your home, its electrical system would likely be completely compromised by a power surge, damaging […]